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There are numerous potential benefits to holistic massage therapy, some of which have been summarised above. Rather than reproduce selected and potentially unfairly biased studies here, I welcome you to review the information provided within the links below for yourself, should you wish to do so. 


However, it should be noted that the way in which an individual's body responds to holistic massage is highly dependent upon their emotional and physical well-being and their unique physiological needs at the time of treatment. Initially it may appear that your reactions to therapy vary widely from session to session, but over time, as you adapt to the heightened level of self-awareness that holistic massage therapy brings, you will be better equipped to predict such reactions.    


Our trained and experienced therapists are able to identify your body's individual needs and they are skilled in providing a bespoke treatment to meet those needs. Listening to your body's feedback signals, the therapist will tailor the pressure and movements accordingly, determining where to focus and when to stop. No two holistic massage therapy sessions are the same, they're each unique to the needs of the recipient.


It is your therapy and your needs are the sole focus, because your body deserves to be listened to.


There are a number of factors which can contribute to your decision to seek massage therapy, whether it be as a treat to unwind and relax; as part of a healthy programme of self-care; or, where sought out of a desire to reap specific personal benefits. However, the ability of the therapist to fulfil your aspirations is somewhat dependent upon your ability to receive the therapy. For these reasons we would ask that you consider the following prior to your treatment session: 


  • If you are planning any strenuous physical activity, such as a gym visit, please undertake this prior to your appointment time.

  • Try as far as possible to ensure that you are as mentally relaxed as possible at the time of your appointment, complete, delegate or rearrange any pressing tasks. 

  • Feel free to take a relaxing shower or bath before the appointment.

  • The intended treatment room should be warm and have adequate space for the massage table and for the therapist to move easily around the table.

  • Provide feedback during and after your appointment, of things you both like and dislike.

  • Feel assured that your therapist is not judging your body or you, they are there for your benefit and do not discriminate, or make demands of you which you may find uncomfortable.

  • If in doubt, or unsure, please ask. We want to hear your views and we value your feedback. 


  • Please inform us with plenty of time if you expect to be late for your appointment or if you need to rearrange.

  • The treatment is generally a one-on one experience and with the exception of pamper parties, spectators are not expected to be present during your session.

  • Please ensure any pets are kept safely and securely out of the room in which you intend to receive your treatment for its duration.

  • The therapist will not be able to conduct your treatment session if you have recently had a large meal, drank alcohol, taken recreational drugs, or prescription pain medication. 

  • Ensure as far as possible that there are not likely to be any interruptions or distractions during your planned appointment time.

  • We need to know if you have any allergies, you are on any prescribed medication,  whether you have any of the contraindications detailed below, or have had an adverse reaction to massage therapy in the past.


Massage, whilst being a non-invasive therapy, can have a huge impact on your body, of a magnitude comparable to that which may follow a strenuous workout. For these reasons there are a variety of contraindications to therapy. 


Medical and Restrictive

These are situations in which the therapist will adapt the techniques used accordingly or will avoid the affected area.

Some of these may require medical permission and/or informed consent to proceed, especially where considered to be chronic, acute or uncontrolled. Please discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor prior to your appointment. Your therapist is not a qualified medical doctor and will not be able to give you medical advice:


Pregnancy; menstruation; endometriosis; fibroids; hormonal implants or other gynaecological conditions. Cardiovascular conditions or blood disorders such as thrombosis; phlebitis; varicose veins; haematoma; hypertension; hypotension; mild haemophilia; previous heart attack or stroke. Bone disorders or conditions including osteoporosis; rickets; Paget’s disease; fractures; partial fractures; slipped discs. Autoimmune and motor nerve disorders, including diabetes; rheumatoid arthritis; Parkinson's; multiple sclerosis; motor neurone disease. Bruising; sprains; bursitis; cuts; abrasions; sunburn; burns; scolds; whiplash; hernia or other injuries. Inflammation, including arthritis; medical oedema; IBS; Crohn's disease; colitis; swelling. Infections, including UTIs; vomiting and diarrhoea. Cancer; undiagnosed pain, lumps or bumps. Nervous or psychotic conditions.  Postural or neck conditions or deformities including spondylitis. Asthma. 


prohibitive contraindications

It is unlikely that the therapist will be able to proceed in the following circumstances:


Acute fever, inflammation, infection, oedema.

Contagious skin diseases including scabies, impetigo and ringworm

Recent stroke, heart attack, DVT, operations or acute injuries.

Undiagnosed severe headaches with dizziness, numbness or sleepiness. 

Severe haemophilia or anaemia.



Immediately after treatment please try to relax and rest as much as possible. A warm bath may help should you want one.

Try to ensure that you have a clear schedule for the remainder of the day or, as a minimum, that you are not in charge of heavy machinery or in any other potentially hazardous situations. Avoid driving where possible to do so.


Over the following 24 hours drink plenty of fluids, preferably water, to assist the body in the elimination of any waste or toxins which have been mobilised, Avoid alcohol, recreational drugs and smoking if possible.


Between appointments, in order to gain the most benefit from your therapy, please try to commit to regular light exercise and increase you fruit and vegetable intake. This will further promote the elimination of waste products and toxins from your body.


Healing crisis

Some people may experience a set of symptoms known as a healing crisis after therapy. This is not something to worry about and it will pass quickly as your body rids itself of the toxins released, especially if you follow the aftercare recommendations above.  Possible symptoms include:

Mood swings, high or low moods, irritability.

You may be sleepy, lifeless or deeply relaxed. You may sleep better than usual.

You may find that you have more energy.

Some clients have cold like symptoms and a stuffed, blocked or runny nose.

Other common symptoms include aching muscles, spots, increased thirst and urination.


You may of course have no such symptoms, which is ok too; it does not mean that your therapy was ineffectual.


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